Glamorous Furniture//Ana by Scarlet Creative

Glamorous Furniture//Ana by Scarlet Creative
Good Morning, my dear blog readers; I hope you are having a great day. I just woke up and decided to prepare for you a new blog post. I am so happy that my schedule allows me to post regularly as I used to do in the past. In today’s presentation, I will invite you to visit with me one of my favorite building stores in the virtual world, Scarlet Creative.
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Glamorous Furniture//Industrial Loft by Diamandis

Good evening Glamorous Furniture ! How are you all doing today? I woke up so lazy this morning so I decided that today I am not going to be a house wife and I won’t cook anything . Instead I am waiting for my husband to come home and take me out to eat at a restaurant ( lady mood is on ) . Until he arrives I decided to write the text for today’s blog post since the pictures were already done since yesterday night but instead of doing my job and posting it but instead I decided to have a few glasses of wine and got tipsy . Enough with the talking , let’s get to work .
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Glamorous Furniture// the Living room by Abiss

Good evening Glamorous Furniture ! I am currently still fighting with the renovation of my blog . It was time for a change but didn’t think that I will have so much work to do . Probably in a few hours you will be able to see gigantic improvements on the designer and about me pages . Until then I will let you check a wonderful release , which even though it’s not new I had to blog it . Ready to see what is my latest favorite skybox?
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Glamorous Furniture//Apple Fall for Arcade June

Before I hit the road again with business work , I am going to post this presentation which I wanted to show you some days ago , but because of my hectic schedule I had to stay away from second life during the weekend . Since I am a fashionista , I must confess that I adore this new set created by one of my favorite designers in sl . It awakes in me so many feelings . Let me show you what I am talking about ..
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Glamorous Furniture//the Apartment by Abiss

Good evening Glamorous Furniture . Again I am really sorry that I didn’t manage to blog more often this week but I had to travel around Europe with some real life projects and even though ,this time , I’ve got internet connection during all my trip I didn’t have the time to use it too much . Anyway , luckily once I get back I got ready to feature on my blog a set that is going to leave you breathless . During my years of activity I managed to blog many beautiful stuffs but this one I think it’s the best I ever had my hands on . I hope you are going to enjoy today’s presentation as much as I enjoyed preparing the pictures an writing the text .
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Glamorous Furniture//Abiss presents Country Retreat Residence

I started my first inventory cleaning 2 weeks ago ..and after working 5 hours /day for 14 days I managed to finish it .That’s what kept me away from blogging on both my furniture blog-Glamorous Furniture and on my fashion blog too- Glance International Agency .Anyway I have some fabulous news for you..Abiss is back with some stunning new releases.
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