Glamorous Furniture//Ana by Scarlet Creative

Glamorous Furniture//Ana by Scarlet Creative
Good Morning, my dear blog readers; I hope you are having a great day. I just woke up and decided to prepare for you a new blog post. I am so happy that my schedule allows me to post regularly as I used to do in the past. In today’s presentation, I will invite you to visit with me one of my favorite building stores in the virtual world, Scarlet Creative.
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Glamorous Furniture//Sylvia House by Scarlet Creative

Glamorous Furniture//Sylvia House by Scarlet Creative
Hello, my dear blog readers,
I hope all of you are doing fine during these difficult times. I’ve been away for the past weeks due to some real-life issues I had to fix, but even though I did not post anything new, I made sure I stay to update with some of the second life’s most wanted designs. For today’s blog post, we are going to visit a great store that has been in the virtual world for a long time, Scarlet Creative.
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Glamorous Furniture// Forest Ruins by Mushilu

Good evening Glamorous Furniture . I am so stupid , I actually wrote this post already in word , but I restarted my pc and everything got deleted . I am really angry now , sitting with the laptop in my lap while outside is raining like hell ( I suppose this is not the best day ) . I find it funny how nice was the introduction in the other word ,and how frustrated I am now after the restart . Whatever , let’s get back to work cause I have some really nice things to show to you.
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Glamorous Furniture//Dowager House by Kaya Angel

Good evening my favorite blog readers . I just realized that it’s been a pretty long time since my last blog post but that’s not because i had a lack of stuffs to feature but more because i had a problem with my viewer ( actually one of my windlight setting kept crashing me and i have no idea why , not even now ) . Luckily i managed to do some of my tricks and it looks pretty stable now . Enough with my problems and let’s get to presenting this amazing new release that i am sure will leave you breathless.
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Glamorous Furniture//Industrial Loft by Diamandis

Good evening Glamorous Furniture ! How are you all doing today? I woke up so lazy this morning so I decided that today I am not going to be a house wife and I won’t cook anything . Instead I am waiting for my husband to come home and take me out to eat at a restaurant ( lady mood is on ) . Until he arrives I decided to write the text for today’s blog post since the pictures were already done since yesterday night but instead of doing my job and posting it but instead I decided to have a few glasses of wine and got tipsy . Enough with the talking , let’s get to work .
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Glamorous Furniture//Chateau by Kaya Angel

In a strange way I feel like this blog became my real life traveling journal ( I know that sounds funny , but it seems like I keep you posted about every single place I’ve visited while I was not able to blog ) . Maybe one day when I’ll be in the mood I’ll review my previous blog post just to see what childish things I wrote there . Until then I have to take you back to the virtual world because there are many new releases on the grid which I would love to share with you . I’m working hard backstage to bring you only top second life releases ( I tried my best since I founded this blog so feature on my website only things that I love personally and no releases that event owners force me to blog ) . Enough with the talking , let me give you a sneak peak in one of Kaya Angel’s new releases ( you will love it , trust me )
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Glamorous Furniture // Mesh Walled Garden by Angel Manor

Hello Glamorous Furniture readers ( I think this intro is already a cliché but whatever) . I am back today with more new releases ( yea .. another cliché ) . I have to stop this now . So , while I was surfing through marketplace this morning ( I don’t do that very often cause I hate all those gacha stuffs ) I found some Kaya Angel amazing designs . So I immediately im-ed me to offer the chance to feature on my blog one building which really caught my attention .
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Glamorous Furniture//Hardwick Manor by Apple Fall

We live in a virtual world full of new releases . I am always honored when a designer contacts me to blog one of their products or when I am invited in a bloggers group since that allows me to feature on my website a variety of new stuffs . To be honest during my time away from second life I spent a little time improving my photography and photoshop skills in order to deliver to you , my dear readers , higher quality posts . Hope that thing is visible , if not , it means I have to try harder next time !
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