Glamorous Furniture//Ana by Scarlet Creative

Glamorous Furniture//Ana by Scarlet Creative
Good Morning, my dear blog readers; I hope you are having a great day. I just woke up and decided to prepare for you a new blog post. I am so happy that my schedule allows me to post regularly as I used to do in the past. In today’s presentation, I will invite you to visit with me one of my favorite building stores in the virtual world, Scarlet Creative.
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Glamorous Furniture//Tribeca by MINIMAL (released at Uber)

Glamorous Furniture//Tribeca by MINIMAL (released at Uber)
Hello Glamorous Furniture,
I wish you all a happy new year and that all your dreams come true. I know this was a challenging year for most of us, but here we are, very much alive and looking forward to a better year. Since this is the first day of 2021, I decided to start it with a new blog post, which I am sure you will enjoy.
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Glamorous Furniture// Forest Ruins by Mushilu

Good evening Glamorous Furniture . I am so stupid , I actually wrote this post already in word , but I restarted my pc and everything got deleted . I am really angry now , sitting with the laptop in my lap while outside is raining like hell ( I suppose this is not the best day ) . I find it funny how nice was the introduction in the other word ,and how frustrated I am now after the restart . Whatever , let’s get back to work cause I have some really nice things to show to you.
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Glamorous Furniture// IZAYOI by [[RH]]

Good evening Glamorous Furniture . I hope you are all doing really great because today’s blog post will leave you speechless . I spent some days on the marketplace and in-world stores to find something that will leave your breathless and finally the release I needed came to me today. This set is really back so I would recommend you to get a cup of coffee or tea or whatever you drink because a long posts with many information is waiting for you in the following lines . Also I should mention that today’s designer is a fresh one on Glamorous Furniture ( I can’t recall blogging their designs ever since I’ve started this project) . Enough with that talking , let’s get started with the real stuffs.
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Glamorous Furniture// Silent Home by BBX Design

I wish I had more time to blog even more frequently on Glamorous Furniture since I really enjoy searching for new home designers and featuring them on my website . Sadly my real life job and also my fashion blog keeps me pretty busy so I only have time to blog from time to time . Next week I am planning to leave on a trip but before I do that I want to show you everything new I’ve got and I am sure you will really like them .
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Glamorous Furniture // Soho Modular System by Ex Machina

Good evening my dear blog readers . I hope all of you have a fabulous day . I woke up really lazy but with a huge desire to show you some new releases which I found a few days ago . I wanted to publish this post yesterday but it seems like it took me a little bit more to finish playing with the pictures and discovering better this gorgeous release which needed my full attention .
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Glamorous Furniture//The Secret Outdoor Pavillion by Kalopsia

I can’t express in words how much I enjoy blogging new releases . I am always hunting in second life for new creations to feature on my blog – Glamorosu Furniture . I am even more excited when designers send me their upcoming releases , it feels like I can offer something exclusively for my readers . So in today’s new releases which I am more than sure you will enjoy.
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Glamorous Furniture//Apple Fall for Arcade June

Before I hit the road again with business work , I am going to post this presentation which I wanted to show you some days ago , but because of my hectic schedule I had to stay away from second life during the weekend . Since I am a fashionista , I must confess that I adore this new set created by one of my favorite designers in sl . It awakes in me so many feelings . Let me show you what I am talking about ..
Continue reading “Glamorous Furniture//Apple Fall for Arcade June”

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