Glamorous Furniture// Holman Cottage by M. Law designs

Good evening Glamorous Furniture ! I promised you more frequent blog post and I always keep my promises . I am convinced that I won’t be able to blog daily but I will try my best to deliver as many blog posts as it’s necessary for you , my dear readers , to not forget about me .

While surfing through marketplace ( I do that often ! ) I saw a design that really caught my attention . I immediately got in touch with the designer to try to get a blogging sample since I was sure that you will all really like this design . The store I am talking about is named M. Law designs and it’s owned by mister Marcelo Law together with his wife Bee Caudron Law .

They were kind enough to send me this amazing house entitled “Holman Cottage “ . It comes in 4 different colors : blue, beige, blue, lilac. The thing I love the most at it is the fact that it is furnished , making it a really good investment . Everything is mesh and really well done .

Without any doubts I recommend you to check this new release not only because of it’s really low price but also because of how good it looks . Also , don’t forget to check Glamorous Furniture daily for more new releases !

-Store List-
Building Set : Holman Cottage- M. Law designs /Designer- Marcelo Law and Bee Caudron Law .
Available at M. Law designs Mainstore
Available at M. Law designs Marketplace

Prims :
Building + Furniture : 105 Land Impact

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